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August 21, 2023
Clock Icon - Dark X Webflow Template
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Add a Tag to Profiles

Tagging profiles can make it easier to organize and find profiles.

Add a Tag to Profiles

Organize Your Catalog With Tags

Your catalog will become more useful through organizing tags.

Profiles can be tagged on batch import, as a single profile, or in the multi-select mode.

Add tags to single view

Add Tag on Single View

  1. Go to the profile single view
  2. Click on the "+" under the measurement
  3. Add all relevant tags
Right-click to delete tags from profiles

Remove Tag on Single View

  1. Go to the profile single view
  2. Right-click on the tag(s) you would like to remove
  3. Click delete
Add tags to multiple files during batch import

Add Tag on Batch Import

  1. Batch Import a folder
  2. During the Batch Import dialog box, add relevant tags
    This will add tags to all of the files being imported
  3. Select "Import"

Add a Tag to Profiles

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