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How to Batch Import multiple files to the Catalog

Batch-add multiple files to your catalog folders.

How to Batch Import multiple files to the Catalog

Importing to your Match the Cut Catalog

Adding profiles to your catalog is simple. If you are looking for how to add a single profile, you can find that walkthrough here.

Before you begin, the batch import will add an entire folder with the option of sub-folders. If you do not want to import all of the files that are in the folder, it is best practice to make a new folder and copy over the files that you want included in the import.

Batch Import dialog box to update multiple files

Steps to Batch Import Multiple Files

  1. Navigate to the Catalog view
  2. In the top right menu, select the "Batch Add" icon
  3. Navigate to the specific folder of profiles (MtC supports .dxf Cad files)
  4. Select "Select Folder"
  5. The Batch Import dialog box will be open
  6. You can update the title, location, tags, and notes for all of the files
  7. Click "Import"
  8. The profiles will be added to the catalog

If you do not see the additional profiles, it is possible that there was an error. See all common errors here and what can be done to fix them.

How to Batch Import multiple files to the Catalog

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