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How to join a shared catalog on Google Drive

Join a shared catalog to keep your team synced across multiple computers.

How to join a shared catalog on Google Drive

Joining a shared catalog

Join a shared catalog to keep your team synced across multiple computers.

Catalog Settings section in MtC settings

Note – You must own multiple licenses of MtC to run on multiple computers. You can purchase licenses here.

Steps to set up Google Drive folder

  1. If you are not already running Google Drive, go to Download Google Drive and follow the steps Google provides.
  2. Ensure that you have already moved the catalog on computer with the main catalog.
  3. In File Explorer, navigate to the shared folder called "MtC Shared Folder" in the Google Drive.

Note – Catalogs cannot merge together. If you choose "Select Existing Catalog" it will override any catalog data you have on the computer.

Steps to select the shared catalog

  1. On the computer you want to connect with the main catalog, open MtC, and open Settings.
  2. Scroll to the Catalog Settings section on the Settings page.
  3. Choose "Move Catalog Folder"
  4. Navigate to your Google Drive shared drive in your folder system (it will show up as an external drive)
  5. Choose the folder "MtC Shared Folder."

Restart dialog box after selecting new folder location.

Steps to confirm catalog

  1. A dialog box will ask you to restart the MtC
  2. Select "Ok"
  3. If MtC does not automatically restart, open MtC.
  4. Any changes in the catalog that is made on one computer will update on the other computer.

Manual refresh button when catalog changes are avaiable

Note – Catalog changes can take a few minutes to register depending on internet speed and the update time of Google Drive.

Steps to get available changes

  1. MtC will automatically update any available changes when starting the program.
  2. If MtC is open on a machine when a change is made on another machine, a refresh button will appear in the top right
  3. Click the button to recieve all available changes

How to join a shared catalog on Google Drive

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