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April 2, 2024
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How to convert CAD files from .dwg to .dxf

Convert AutoCAD files to the open-source .dxf file format with a free converter

How to convert CAD files from .dwg to .dxf

Why .dfx as the CAD file?

AutoCAD has a proprietary file version that is only available through a license. There is an open–source option that allows for greater flexiblity of workflows with the .dfx extension.

How to Install

  1. Download the free ODA file converter
  2. Follow the installation instuctions provided on the ODA website
  3. Once installed, export 1 profile as a .dwg as a test file
  4. Use the ODA converter to convert the .dwg to .dxf
  5. Import the .dxf to Match the Cut
  6. Once confirmed that it is working properly, export large batches of files, convert, and import.


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How to convert CAD files from .dwg to .dxf

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