Match the Cut



What's New?

  • Filter Time Travel by user
  • Added custom user photos
  • See which user imported or last updated a profile in the catalog in the profile metadata
  • Save all import errors to text file – in the Import Settings page
  • Fine-tuned controls for width and thickness filters

What's Fixed?

  • Errors now categorizing correctly
  • Resolved bug for sales trial version
  • Improved dimensioned-only import to include more profiles

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • New Sales Version toggle in trial mode

What's Fixed?

  • If the shared catalog is a newer version of MtC, you can now select a new catalog location.

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

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What's New?

  • New Sales Version – focused on matching profiles in a shared catalog.
  • New User Profiles
    • Manage users in Settings
    • Easily switch between users
    • User actions attributed in history
    • Apperance and Match Screen settings are linked to each user
  • Improved look throughout the app.
  • Match Screen Improvements
    • Invert button in Image Processing on the Match Screen  (white profile on black background).
    • File selector dialog box can automatically appear when going to the Match Screen.
    • Faster file selector shortcut on the Match Screen – just click the image box.
  • Settings Screen Improvements
    • Overhaul of Settings Screen layout to make finding settings easier.
    • New import setting – Only Dimensioned profiles.
    • New import setting – Import inserts.
    • New import setting – Cross-layer profiles.
    • New import setting – Import location selection.
    • New company setting – Add device nickname
    • New files setting – See what devices are sharing the catalog
    • New app setting – stats about catalog size, matches, and .dxf exports
    • New appearance setting – Choose between fractional or decimal dimensions.
    • New appearance setting – Option to always show primary edge of profile.
    • New match setting – Set a minimum match percentage for Match Screen to always filter low percentage results.
    • Usage statistics available in the App Settings page
  • Quick support button to help you find support articles or contact the team.
  • Copy profile data to clipboard from a match by right-clicking the profile.
  • Changed default action on match history to show item in the catalog

What's Fixed?

  • Various optimization
  • Sorting bug – higher percent matches now always appear above lower percent match
  • Ignored layers will now update and saves as expected.
  • Re-running matches from a different device will no longer cause a crash

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Added setting to import only dimensioned or all profiles in a .dxf file.

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

What's Fixed?

  • Various optimizations

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

What's Fixed?

  • Fixed spline rendering

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Time Travel allows you to easily find recent matches, restore deleted files, find import errors, and see MtC updates from the Dashboard
  • New Image Processing screen when matching a profile allowing you to "clean up" an image – especially useful for scanned images

What's Fixed?

  • Various UI improvements and tweaks

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.
  • Splines are not being displayed properly

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Retro-active duplicate check (per file in whole catalog), available from the catalog page "..." button
  • Non-watertight profile closing:
    - Review Dialog shows after import if profiles are found which are non watertight
    - Profiles with gaps which are within a certain threshold can be auto-closed if approved by the user
    - Threshold can be adjusted from the settings page

What's Fixed?

  • Backup folder will now remember previous selection
  • Settings page shows date of last backup (for backups created with v1.1.12+)
  • Various UI improvements and tweaks

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.
  • Splines are not being displayed properly

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Added duplicate detection on import. Learn more.
  • Added the ability to create a backup from the settings page.
  • MtC will now notify the user when updates are available with a link to the website.
  • Added multi-select functionality to apply tags or info to all selected profiles.
  • Various miscellaneous UI improvements.

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.
  • Splines are not being displayed properly

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's Fixed?

  • Fixed an issue when rearranging tags that would delete them from catalog profiles.

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.
  • Splines are not being displayed properly

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • New Import Options:
    – Ability to ignore layers by name (Configurable in Settings)
    – Ability to ignore dashed or dotted lines (Configurable in Settings)
  • Import can now resolve profiles with a single branch and still create a catalog item.
  • Tags can be re-ordered in the settings menu
  • Debug Display Mode: Useful for validating the rendering and primary edge detection

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.
  • Splines are not being displayed properly

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Multi-select to delete in Catalog
  • Added a "No Tags" filter in Catalog

What's Fixed?

  • Responsive catalog view

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • New stroke width preference for profile borders
  • Auto deletes history past 60 days
  • Imported images will estimate the width and height using the image DPI provided by the scanner
  • Filter results on the Match Page, including new range sliders for Width and Thickness
  • Profile titles in the catalog are now editable

What's Fixed?

  • Scanned images that were rotated now load properly.
  • Improved responsiveness 

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Known Microsoft Error – Sometimes after selecting a file or folder to load, the app stops receiving mouse inputs. Minimizing and then restoring the window, or changing to another application and returning to Match the Cut, should restore mouse input responsiveness in that scenario.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • MtC now can detect labels within the bounds of profiles when importing and will use those labels instead of sequential numbers when available.

What's Fixed?

  • Various minor bug fixes.

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Batch import dialog with import options and customizable import template.
  • The "Primary Edge" of an imported profile can be manually changed from the catalog single item view.
  • The "Primary Edge" of a scanned profile can be manually changed from the Match page. Restart the search to see the results of the alternately selected edge.

What's Fixed?

  • Fixed a rendering bug where certain profiles, usually less than 1"x1", were being displayed as a solid box in the Match page or single item view of the catalog.
  • Match page advanced options now visible on 1440p monitor with 150% screen scaling
  • Batch Import folder select sometimes takes a while to find all the files. The dialog box may seem frozen, especially for large folders.

Known Issues

  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.

Visit on a Windows device to download



What's New?

  • Delete filtered button in the catalog.
  • Naming convention option in settings.
  • Improved performance for large (>10k) catalogs.
  • Branched profile-specific error notification.

What's Fixed?

  • Fixed bug with corner-to-corner pixel connection.
  • Fixed crash on Match Screen when the catalog is not fully loaded: the match screen will now display a loading progress indicator until it is ready to match.

Known Issues

  • Some profiles aren’t displaying in the single item view and in Matching.
  • Layout is not optimized for small screens or UI scaling over 100%.
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.


What's New?

  • Added noise reduction filtering
  • Default catalog sorting to the latest imported
  • Updated image file support – ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tiff", ".tif", ".bmp", ".gif", ".ico"

Known Issues

  • Some profiles aren’t displaying in the single item view and in Matching
  • Layout is not optimized for small screens
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Catalogs over 10K items seeing performance delays
  • Attempting to Match before the Catalog is completely loaded may cause the application to crash. This is typically only an issue for large catalogs with over 10k items.


What's New?

  • Fully redesigned interface
  • Batch import of large quantities of.dxf files
  • Clear error messages if the import fails
  • Measurements recorded with profile imports
  • Optional ability to filter search results by profile width
  • Catalog is searchable
  • Import of name in a meaningful format
  • Matching profiles can be any combination of sides
  • Catalog supports 100K items
  • Trial version with activation process
  • CAD file support (.dxf)
  • Advance search options

Known Issues

  • Some profiles aren’t displaying in the single item view and in Matching
  • Layout is not optimized for small screens
  • When clicking “Open in Catalog” from the Match page results, the selector stays “Match” on the left panel.
  • Catalogs over 10K items seeing performance delays
  • Attempting to Match before the Catalog is completely loaded may cause the application to crash. This is typically only an issue for large catalogs with over 10k items.