Try Match the Cut
for free

The trial version of Match the Cut allows you to load up to 100 profiles to the catalog and do unlimited matches. At anytime you can purchase a liscense to activate the full version.

Visit on a Windows device to download

System Recommendations –  Windows 10 (Up to date), +3.0GHz 8 Core Cpu or better, 8 GB RAM.

Windows Logo in grey

How to get started

There is a one time process to install The Devleoping  Company's certificate. You can find detailed instructions of first time installation here.


Install the Certificate

You must install our certificate. Download here and follow the direction to install under "Trusted People"

Detailed instructions here.

Install the App

Once the certificate is installed, double-click the installation package and follow the directions.


Start Matching Profiles

Load CAD files or image files to the catalog. Then load an outline of a profile you want to find a match for – and let the magic happen.