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How to setup a shared catalog on Google Drive

Share your catalog across multiple computers using Google Drive

How to setup a shared catalog on Google Drive

Creating shared catalog

Share a catalog across computers running MtC.

Catalog Settings section in MtC settings

Note – You must own multiple licenses of MtC to run on multiple computers. You can purchase licenses here.

Steps to create Google Drive folder

  1. If you are not already running Google Drive, go to Download Google Drive and follow the steps Google provides.
  2. Ensure that Google Drive is running on all computers you intend to share the catalog on.

Steps to move the catalog to the Google Drive folder

  1. On the computer that has the catalog you want to share, go to settings and scroll to the Catalog Setting section
  2. Choose "Move Catalog Folder"
  3. Navigate to your Google Drive shared drive in your folder system (it will show up as an external drive)
  4. Choose where you want the shared catalog to exist. Note – MtC will create a folder called "MtC Shared Folder" in the location you choose.
Backup and Migration confirmation dialog box

Steps to backup the catalog before migrating

  1. MtC must backup before transferring to ensure your catalog data is safe. Select "Ok."
  2. If you haven't created a backup previously, this will prompt you to choose a location.
  3. Depending on your catalog size, this may take a few minutes.

Catalog backing up

Steps to have catalog move take effect

  1. Once completed, MtC will restart for the changes to take effect.
  2. If MtC does not automatically reopen, you can open MtC.
  3. Once your catalog is moved to the Google Drive folder, you can join the catalog from another computer.
How to setup a shared catalog on Google Drive

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