Calendar Icon - Dark X Webflow Template
September 3, 2023
Clock Icon - Dark X Webflow Template
 min read

Use Image Processing to get better matches

Image Processing can help clean an image to get more accurate matches.

Use Image Processing to get better matches

Clean images with Image Processing

Use Image Processing in the Matching screen to get better matching results.

Image Processing dialog box

Steps to Process Images

Add an image to Match

  1. Go to the Match screen
  2. Click "Select File"

Process the Image

  1. The top image is the original image and the bottom image is what the computer will see
  2. "Auto Grey Filter" and "Auto Noise Filter" are automatically selected
  3. The red line is the Primary Edge the system will match against
  4. If the "Auto" settings aren't producing the correct shape, you can toggle them off and manually change the amounts
  5. Grey Filter removes light grey marks – "100%" will remove all grey
  6. Noise Filter will remove small specks – "100%" will remove any small pixels
  7. Select "Start Match"
  8. Find the closest match

Reprocess the Image

  1. If you need to reprocess the image, select the Edit button on the left side of the screen.
  2. Select "Start Match"

Use Image Processing to get better matches

We provide support to fix bugs and optimize Match the Cut usage.

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