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August 21, 2023
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How to delete multiple files

Delete multiple files at the same time to quickly organize your catalog.

How to delete multiple files

Deleting Multiple Files

Use the multi-select tool to delete multiple files at the same time.

Confirm deletion dialog box

Steps to Delete Multiple Files

Using the Filter Tool

  1. Go to the Catalog View
  2. Filtered only the profiles you want to delete
  3. Select the "Delete" button
  4. Confirm you want to delete

Using the Multi-select Tool

  1. Go to the Catalog View
  2. Use the multi-select tool
  3. Select the files you want to delete
  4. Select the "Delete" button
  5. Confirm you want to delete

If you accidently delete files, you can go to the Time Travel section on the Dashboard, find the event, and click it to restore the deleted files.

How to delete multiple files

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