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How to create a manual backup

Creating snapshots of your catalog is just a click of a button

How to create a manual backup

Creating a manual backup

Creating snapshots of your work is cricital, particularly before major changes like upgrading.

The App Settings section of the Settings Page

Steps to create a manual backup

  1. Go to the Settings page
  2. Scroll down to the App Settings section
  3. Click the "Create Backup of Catalog"
  4. Select a folder (note – it is advised to create a folder called MTC Backups so that all backups are in one location)
  5. A loading screen will appear, please do not exit the app while this backup is created (this may take a few minutes depending on the size of your catalog)
  6. After creating the first backup, you will see a "Last backup:" label with the date
  7. To create a new backup, click the "Create Backup of Catalog" again

How to create a manual backup

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